DIY Fresh Hydrangea Wreath

Fresh Green
Fresh Floral
Hydrangea wreaths are glorious creations that inspire awe in the DIY world. They are expensive to buy and hard to ship so they are best made or acquired locally. Impressive as they are, they are not actually hard to make and they cost very little. Just be sure to have ample amounts of hydrangea before you start and remember to treat the flowers gently as they are somewhat fragile.

Wire wreath ring
thin gauge florists wire
Wire cutters
Hydrangea and greens gathered according to your wreath size

Anchor your wire to the wreath and then start by pulling the stems between the rings, be gentle. Wrap the wire around the entire piece of hydrangea. The stems will be trimmed at the end. Continue this process until all bare spots are filled in.

You can add other greens as you go along. I've added scented geraniums for leaf contrast and also a fantastic fragrance that keeps releasing even after it's dried. Trim the ends of the stems at the back of the wreath when you are done building it.

This wreath is awesome just as it is but you can add other interesting textures or colors. If you want to use this as a dried wreath, make sure you overfill with greens. They shrink as they dry.

Adding fresh flowers is easy, just gather and arrange in a random pattern. You can hot glue them on but I usually put the wreath in a stationary place so I don't need to secure them. You can allow them to dry in place as well, although all flowers do not dry equally.

This is the same wreath, now dried. I added these preserved flowers after the hydrangeas dried. These blooms were first preserved in silica gel sand. Silica sand preserves color in flowers beautifully.